Shareholders are invited to attend the Annual Meeting. Record shareholders who are unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person are requested to vote via the Internet, by going to and following the instructions on the website, or vote by calling toll free 1-800-690-6903 on a touch tone telephone and following the instructions provided by “Vote Voice.” You will need to refer to the Proxy Card and to your 12-digit control number provided on the Proxy Card. Alternatively, you may vote by mail by completing, dating and signing the enclosed form of proxy (the “Proxy Card”) and sending it in the enclosed envelope to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, New York 11717, United States or to the Company at 2150 Saint Elzear Blvd. West Laval, Quebec H7L 4A8 or by fax 514-744-6272. Non-record shareholders who receive these materials through their broker or other intermediary should follow the instructions provided by their broker or intermediary.

Stock Transfer Agent

Bausch Health Companies Inc's designated transfer agent is TSX Trust Company. The transfer agent is responsible for maintaining all records of registered stockholders (including change of address, telephone number, and name), canceling or issuing stock certificates and resolving problems related to lost, destroyed or stolen certificates. If you are a registered stockholder of Bausch Health Companies and need to change your records pertaining to stock, please contact the Transfer Agent listed below:


TSX Trust Company
P.O. Box 700
Station B
Montreal, QC H3B 3K3
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 888-249-6189
Phone (for all security transfer inquiries): 1-800-387-0825 or 416-682-3860

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